Category Archives: Uncategorized

Does water on Mars mean there’s hope for life?

Does water on Mars mean there’s hope for life?

Potentially life-giving water still flows across the ancient surface of Mars from time to time, NASA scientists said Monday in revealing a potential breakthrough in both the search for life beyond Earth and human hopes to one day travel there.MORE

NASA’s new hopping rover

NASA’s new hopping rover

Meet Hedgehog, a new spacecraft designed by NASA to navigate the rough terrain on comets and other objects in space.MORE

Watch a tornado on the sun

Watch a tornado on the sun

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured stunning images of a swirling plasma mass above the surface of the sun.MORE

Could red wine help slow Alzheimer’s?

A new study suggests resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes, dark chocolate and red wine, could help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. But Dr. Sanjay Gupta says it’s too early in the research to start taking resveratrolMORE

